1.25"x.032"x3TPI Band Saw Blade
This is the best band saw blade I have ever used! In my early days of making rocking chairs I tried every band saw blade I could find. I used Swedish silicon steel blades for a good while and thought they were about as good as I was ever going to get - until I tried one of these blades.
Enter the length of your blade(s) in inches. If you need "XX + a fraction of an inch" note in "Special Instructions" when you finalize your order and we will adjust the length accordingly.
You can NOT enter a fraction in the qty!
If you want three 931/2" blades (93.5 X 3 = 280.5) enter 280 and enter exact blade length in "Special Instructions"
Click To Enlarge
- Item #: 1.25"x.032"x3TPI
- Manufacturer: Sterling